Well, it has been a while. I've been planning on paper and using index cards ... just trying to find the right system for me. So, going through my index cards here's my FOOD FORECAST for next week! (Fitting in a little bit of my weather stuff in there too! LOL!)
Click here to see more Menu Plan Monday followers. What's up for the week of 3/28/2011
Monday: Steak, salad and french fries. (Carl is supposed to get gas for the grill and we have potatoes that MUST be used!) Tuesday: Sweet and sour chicken with rice Wednesday: Spaghetti with meat sauce with bread Thursday: Ham and beans with cornbread Friday: Chicken noodles and mashed potatoes Saturday: Baked Chicken Chimichangas Sunday: Try a new recipe (to come) At the end of the week, we'll see how we did! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!